Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's see where this takes us....

So....this is the initial foray into the world of "bloggers".  This is a short and sweet note to let anyone who is interested know that I am going to give this a whirl.  What could I possibly write about?  I have no clue to be honest.  Ramblings, booze, things humor, we'll take this ride together!  I think the first few posts will be me getting used to this whole ordeal.  Dip the toe in so to speak.  Perhaps write about something that I know a little about.  Like beer for example!  Yeah that makes sense.  Fat drunk stupid guy writes about beer and what different ones he has tried.  Perhaps what they pair well with.  Maybe even give a colorful description of the flavor pallet of said nectar.  Yes that will do.  Maybe I will even give it a go tonight.   Now to figure out how to work this glowing box thingy that is making pretty words appear when I hit this key board in front of me. 

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