Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beer Review

Once in a while you can really hit a jack pot!  Take this beer for example.  It is as offering from a brewery that I have never heard of, with a ingredient combination that I never would have thought of.  And I love it

Kona Brewing Co. offers us this beer called Koko Brown Ale.   It is a Medium colored ale (think of bronzed beauties soaking up sun on a beach for the color) with a sweet aroma with a heavy creamy head that laces well in a glass.  Almost pours like a lighter Guinness. 

But on to the important part.  The taste!  I should tell you first that this beer says very plainly on the label that it is made with toasted coconut.  I have never seen this, and obviously not ever having seen it have never tried brew with toasted coconut in it.  I must admit, when I put the bottle to my lips I almost feared that I was going to be drinking watery Hawaiian Tropic lotion, however the balance of the malty and nutty flavor was a pleasant surprise.   Even with it's dark mahogany color the beer is decidedly smooth and easy to drink.  With a slight hint of molasses and a strong coconut flavor it is not at all what I thought it would be.

This beer puts me in a good spot.  It's like a deserted beach in a bottle!  I can almost picture the sand, blue water, girls with coconut tops.  I just close my eyes and I am there.  The sea, the briny breeze.  The warm sun.  Ah hell who am I kidding?  Although this beer does a damn good job of getting me there, it is done all too soon, and I am back in my drafty house, with my noisy dogs and of course it is raining outside.  And no matter how many times I tell my wife to wear some coconuts over her hoo hoos.  She just won't do it.  I guess some Koko Brown Ale will have to do for now!

And remember:  "Good people drink good beer."  Hunter S. Thompson

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