Friday, March 30, 2012

Beer Review

Here we go again!  Time for the second review from a master idiot on beer.  I am writing this as I sit and drink the beer I am talking about.  The Leinenkugel 1888 Bock.  It is also a beer in the Spring Sampler pack so you don't think that I am just drinking and talking about Leinenkugel.  I promise, that after this blog, I will give my lame opinion on something else entirely. 

As that is now out of the way, lets continue.  It takes a special beer drinker to drink a bock.  I have just recently discovered that I actually like bocks.  I have tried to drink them in the past and haven't had much luck in enjoying them.  It wasn't until I slowed down, and savored beer, enjoying the different tastes and complexities that I found myself really liking the darker heavy beer.

Leinenkugel comes to the table with a bock that is no different from others really.  It is a malty heady beer that to me tastes like liquid bread.  It is certainly not a "all day drink to get drunk" beer, but definitely has a place in the fridge for one of those easy going moments when you really just want to sit and enjoy a great beer.  The 1888 Bock is smooth and malty.  It has a great smoky aroma and is dark like it should be.  This does not drink like water, as you will feel like you are drinking a beer on this one.  The flavors of caramel and barley seem to start and finish this beer, and the after taste is clean but still noticeable on the palate. 

To me personally this, like most bocks I have tried is a "sippin" beer.  Not one that I would sit and drink all night to have a plastered good time.  But never the less I would not turn it down if I were at your house and you offered it to me.  For people that truly enjoy the Bock this is a good steady go to beer for you.  I also believe that it is also a good one to try if you have never really had a bock before, as it is what a one should be, but not over powering in its flavors.  As always, ideas on what to try are appreciated, and feedback is always good too.   

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