Friday, March 30, 2012


"Girls mature faster than boys."  You've heard that right?  We have all heard it.  Hell it was taught to me in school!  Girls are inherently going to mature faster than boys.  Physically, emotionally, spiritually, you name it, they do it faster.  It is accepted as FACT.

I couldn't disagree more with the statement that girls mature faster than boys.  Basis of my disagreement you ask?  Simple, I have science on my side.  The statement itself is flawed.  Think about it.  "Girls mature faster than boys" implies that boys eventually mature.  Yes I said it.  And I absolutely mean it.  Boys never really grow up.  I know that women reading this are all thinking the same thing.  "I KNEW IT!"  Don't get yourselves ahead of the apple cart yet ladies.  This isn't a man bash.  It is a factual observation and a celebration of the absurd.

 Sure we put on a great veneer of "responsibility" and "maturity", but think about it.  When was the last time you ladies laughed hysterically at a fart?  Been a while?  Guys?  I giggled my ass off yesterday at a gassy incident.  This type of humor is a staple for the proverbial Pan.  Think about it gentlemen, seeing someone slip on the ice or trip and fall on uneven sidewalk, you have a smile right now reading this don't you?  And it starts young.  My four year old son has the same humor as I do as well as a natural propensity for boobs.  And it never goes away, my father in law still laughs at farts, oogles boobies, and makes fun of everyone and everything.

It's not even in behavior that we remain forever young.  It is in what holds our interest.  Big trucks, fast cars, sick bikes, tattoos, sports, you name it.  If a kid likes it, chances are a guy likes it too.  Sure we have adult interests, but name one time fellas you didn't rubber neck passing a construction sight to see the crane or big wheeled earth mover.  Would you pass up a chance to ride a quad through a mud puddle?  I know I sure as hell wouldn't, that shit is FUN!  We do grow up, no doubt about it, but we never mature.  I wouldn't have it any other way either.  To hell with growing old and not finding stuff funny or exciting.  I don't want to leave Neverland.  The adult world sucks anyway.  But if you disagree with me that is fine, I'll just crop dust you when I walk past with my buddies.  Then we will laugh about it as you look around trying to figure out where the "phantom smell" came from.

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