Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A brief exploration of men (taken from my fb notes)

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What happened to men?  Socially speaking of course.  Underwear ads of hairless men, perfectly chiseled with a stone gaze and soft eyes.  Where did we lose our way I wonder?  Where did all these smells for men come from?  And why do they all smell floral and fruity?  Long gone is the creature that we as boys grew up aspiring to be.  Those hard men, strong in their views and vast in their knowledge.  Men who worked with their hands.  Men whose scars read like road maps of experience.  Calloused in skin and pugnacious in spirit.  We now live in a world of compromise and less than forward thinking.  Adventure and imagination are replaced by the proverbial dipping the toe in the waters.  Testing before leaping.  Making sure we offend no one with our masculinity.  God forbid my facial hair doesn't meet your standards.  Do you really think that GQ, or Vogue for men or whatever the hell is published now for the alpha, told our Grandfathers how to dress, act, or speak?  Let's be honest, do you think John Wayne smelled of Dior Noir, or Kenneth Cole, or DKNY?  NO! He smelled like old spice and cigarettes.  What about James Dean?  Think he ever needed help to do something?  Or did he take out his pocket knife and man up and do it his God Damned self?  When was the last time you saw your pap drink anything but beer and bourbon/scotch on the rocks?  These were men.  Interesting men, strong and smart.  Men who could DO things.  Not pay other men to do things.  Men who could change their own oil, fix their sinks, tie knots, shoot guns and drink you under the table.  These were men we wanted to learn from. We wanted to hear their stories.  Understand their past so we could be the same.  So what have we learned?  What are we doing now that the torch is officially passed?   We are going to salons not barber shops, we are concerned with our underwear tags, and our hairy chests.  We are what they would call sissys, pansies and nancies.  And we call that Metro sexual.  We call it stylish, and refined.  I propose a reawakening of the male of this species.  Get a tattoo, carry a case knife.  Get involved in your own masculinity.  Stop pussy footing around!  Be a man of your word after you speak your mind.  Stand on the principles and values that made us men to begin with!  I am as guilty as the next.  But no more.  It is time to start acting like a man again.  So we can show our boys what they should be when they become men.  And if you are a guy reading this, you either embody what I admire, or are the antithesis of it.  I will leave it up to you to decide which you are....you nancy


  1. If you look at the models and ads and some of these stupid shows on tv especially geared towards teen girls, all the guys are more feminine than the girls they're trying to get with. Where does the attraction lie? Personally, a male that I can bench press, and who logs more mirror time than Snow White's step-mother makes my skin crawl. If there ever comes a time I have to call up the stairs to hurry my husband because he's taking too long to dress, is the day I file for divorce. My own father is a very old-school Italian. You'd never mistake him for a hairless-perfume-wearing-mojito-drinking-girlie-man. And he'd rather cut off his left nut than to admit he's ever cried. I see nothing wrong with maintaining a macho image. Men are supposed to be men and it's time someone holds them up to their DNA.
