Monday, March 26, 2012

Beer Review

Leinenkugel's Honey Weis
Let me start off by saying that I am in no way credentialed to talk about beer, which makes me a perfect critic.  I do love the suds though, and enjoy sampling anything new that I can get my hands on.  I have become enamored with the different tastes, the light flavors, the heavy feels, even the specific ways to drink beer.  The search is even half the fun.  Learning about beer has become a bit of a hobby for me, and I am excited to share what I can in opinions about the different beers that I sample.  This is also a way to keep in check my alcoholic ways, and really see what I drink on a week to week, even yearly basis. 
HA!  Now that that is out of the way I am starting off with the Leinenkugel Spring sampler pack, which is always one of my go to purchases in the spring.  Most of my friends know that I am a Leinie fan, and the usual stock in the fridge is the Sunset Wheat.  But I have tried every beer that Leinenkugel has to offer, and haven't found one that I dislike.  There are some that I prefer, but can't say that there are any that are out in the cold for me. 
To the left is an empty bottle of Honey Weiss (which my wife says is pronounced Vise, and as she is German...I cannot argue, but do simply as a point).  This is my favorite beer in the Leinie line.  It is perfect on a  spring day when you are outside, doing work that you would rather be drunk doing!  The Honey Weiss has a great finish that is clean and crisp, while the honey in the beer is not overwhelming.  There is a slight after taste to it that I can only describe as dew off of green grass in a bottle.  As for food pairings, I would personally recommend this with everything from fish, to burgers and dogs.  But this beer stands well on it's own, and is a "drink all dayer".  The only thing that I can honestly find to complain about this beer is that to my knowledge it is a seasonal beer.  That makes me a sad panda.  But who knows, maybe if I could soak myself in it year round, perhaps it would lose its appeal.  At any rate Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss is a great beer in my humble, inebriated opinion.  I would say that I recommend it to you, but let's be honest, I would advise consuming any brew that you wish.  Lord knows that is what I am doing. 

Also as a brief side note, any input good or bad is appreciated.  Try not to be a prick though, but if there is no way around it, so be it.  If you have any beers you want to suggest and have me sample, please post that as well.  Thanks for reading my ramble. 


  1. Honey Weiss is one of the better ones you've tried... lol even I can agree with that one!

  2. Looks like good writing runs in the family!! =) You totally cracked me up at "sad panda". This sounds like a lovely brew--where did you get it?

    1. Billie, you can pick it up anywhere...Giant Iggle is where I got it though. Sadly I think we are coming to the end of this season however.
