Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beer Review: Breckenridge Avalanche

Crisp mountain air, cool breeze, and an AVALANCHE!  I know not the best intro for a beer review, but really I couldn't come up with a good one, so you are stuck with that one.  Good news is, it will only happen once during this review, so the suck should be outta the way. 

Breckenridge Brewing offers us this ale called Avalanche Amber Ale.  It is a beautiful dark amber color (think honey) with wonderfully fragrant smells (though I couldn't quite pin down what it smelled like), and a white head under good solid lacing on the glass.  The colors swirl and mix together like a dance of amber and white waves cascading towards the top of a pint unleashing more of that smell that you really wanna sniff, but can't tell what the hell it is. 

Upon first swig you are hit in the mouth with a caramel assault of malty goodness.  No hops though to cut through that thick sweet flavor.  Future gulps produce the same euphoric tastes, but linger more and more in your word hole, and you start to notice a nutty flavor peeking through all that sweetness.  The warmth that this beer produces is great, and would be a top notch brew to drink on a cold winter day.  You know after hammering down a double black diamond course.  I think?  I have never done that, but after drinking this beer, I might try.

All being said, the Breckenridge company brings a good strong dark ale to the table.  Classic notes of color and smell, mixed with a warm malty tasting beer.  On a cold day after sled riding with the kids, give them a hot chocolate, and crack yourself a bottle of this brew.  Both age groups for once will be happy.   Enjoy in excess!

"I have respect for beer." - Russell Crowe

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